Jen Paulhus, Ph.D.

Calculus III

Office Hours:
     Mondays 4:00-5:00 PM
     Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 AM
     Thursdays 9:30-10:30 AM
     Fridays 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
     or by appointment

Class Meeting: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1:45-3:00 PM

Text: APEX Calculus 3, Version 4.0, Hartman
Material Covered: Chapters 10-14, parts of 9


Homework Assignments     Quiz Topics

Daily Topics

Class Date Section Topics Desmos Link
Jan. 28 10.1 (pgs. 559-562) coordinate planes, distance in space, standard equation of a sphere Day 1 Intro
Jan. 30 10.2, 10.3 (pgs. 574-582) vector, initial point, terminal point, magnitude, component form, vector algebra properties of vector operation, unit vector Basics of Vectors
Jan. 31 10.3 (pgs. 588-595) dot product and angles, orthogonal vectors, orthogonal projection
Feb. 4 10.4, 9.2 (pgs. 601-605, 511-512) cross product, right hand rule,
Feb. 6 Snow Day!
Feb. 7 11.1, 10.5 (pgs. 612-614, 631-635) vector-valued functions, parametric and symmetric equations of a line Vector Valued Functions
Feb. 11 10.5, 10.6 (pgs. 615-617, 623-627) skew lines, normal vectors, standard and general form for planes, parallel planes Lines and Planes
Feb. 13 12.1, 12.2 (pgs.683-688, 690-698) multivariable functions, level curve, open disk, boundary point, interior point, open, closed, bounded sets, limits, continuity
Feb. 14 12.3 (pgs. 700-707) partial derivative with respect to x and with respect to y

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments are due on Gradescope at 1:30 PM on the date listed below. See the syllabus for more information about submitting homework.

Show your work on the homework. Answers with no work will receive zero points.

Due date Problem Set
Jan. 31 Homework 1
Feb. 4 Homework 2
Feb. 7 Homework 3
Feb. 11 Homework 4

Quiz Topics

Quizzes will be posted on Gradescope at 10 AM on the day listed under "Posting Date". They are due by 10 PM on the day listed under "Due Date" (36 hours after they are posted). You will have 30 minutes from the time you first access the quiz to complete it.

Quiz Posting Date Due Date Section(s)
# 1 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 10.1 and 10.2 (testing your knowledge of definitions and basic properties)
# 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 9.2, 10.3-10.4