MATH 118 Numeracy
Fall 2004 - 143 Altgeld - 9:00 MWF

General Information

Instructor: Jennifer Paulhus
Office Hours: Monday 10-12 and Wednesday 12-2 (or by appointment)
Office: 230 Illini Hall
e-mail: paulhus [at] math [dot] uiuc [dot] edu
web site:
Text: For all Practical Purposes: Mathematical Literacy in Today World, 6th edition.
Final Exam: Thursday December 16, 7 PM

Class Description

In this course we will learn about the mathematics of voting systems, networks and patterns. We will cover chapters 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 19 and 20 (in that order) from the book. As time permits, we may cover other sections as well. Attendance is not mandatory; however, you are responsible for everything that is covered in the course, even if you are not in class. Also, if you choose to attend, I expect you to arrive on time and stay for the whole period.

Grade Distribution

The breakdown of grades will be as follows:
Homework: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Exams (3): 15% each
Final: 30%
Group Project: 5%

If at any time during the semester you have questions about grading policies, material in the class, or your progress in the class, do not hesitate to come see me during my office hours or schedule an appointment to see me outside of class.


Homework problems will be posted on the web site. Homework will be due every Friday, at the beginning of class, or may also be placed in my mailbox in 250 Altgeld by 8:50 AM Friday morning. I will only grade the starred problems but I highly encourage you to work all the assigned problems. I will post solutions to the homework online and therefore late homework will not be accepted. Feel free to work together on the homework but solutions must be your own.
We will have several quizzes throughout the semester. I will let you know at least one class period in advance when these will be and will post the dates on the web page. Quizzes will be given in the last 10 minutes of class and will only be given to students who have attended the whole period. You may only make-up a missed quiz if you let me know by e-mail ahead of time that you will be absent and you present me with official documentation excusing your absence.


There will be three exams during the semester and a final exam. The tentative exam dates are September 24, October 22 and November 19. The final exam will be Thursday December 16 . As with quizzes, you must notify me by e-mail before an exam if you will not be attending and you must provide me with official documentation before you can make up the exam.

Group Project

Everyone will be required to participate in a group project. The group projects will consist of a 10 minute report and write-up. More details about topics, dates and groups will come later.

Unsolicited Advice

Have as positive an attitude about this class as you can. Everyone of you is capable of learning the math in this class. That being said, learning math is not a passive process. Working hard on the homework is crucial. Work together outside of class. Math becomes a lot more fun if you have someone to work with. I highly encourage you to read ahead in the book. You will have a much easier time understanding what is going on in class if you have already looked over the material.