Jen Paulhus, Ph.D.

Calculus I

Office Hours:
     Mondays 4:30-5:30 PM
     Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 AM
     Thursdays 2:30-3:30 PM
     Fridays 9:30-10:30 AM
     or by appointment

Class Meeting: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 1:45-3:00 PM

Text: Calculus 6th ed, Hughes-Hallet, Gleason, et al.
Material Covered: Chapters 1-5


Homework Assignments     Quiz Topics

Review questions on precalculus material, and  solutions

Daily Topics

Class Date Section and Pages Word List Desmos Link
  Sept. 4 1.1 (pgs 2-6) function, domain, range, linear function, difference quotient, increasing and decreasing functions
  Sept. 6 1.2, 1.3 (pgs 12-16, 23-25) exponential function, exponential growth and decay, inverse function Inverses
  Sept. 9 1.4, 1.5 (pgs 29-32, 36-40) natural logarithm, properties of logarithms (pg 30), radians, sine, cosine, and tangent functions
  Sept. 11 1.5 (pgs 40-41) inverse trig functions (arcsin and arctan), power function, polynomial, rational function Trig Functions
  Sept. 13 1.3, 1.6 (pgs 21-23, 45-50) horizontal and vertical asymptotes, shift and stretch rules (box on pg 21), composition function Asymptotes
  Sept. 16 1.7 (pgs. 53-55) even and odd functions, informal definition of continuous (pg 53), Intermediate Value Theorem
  Sept. 18 1.8 (pgs. 57-62) idea of the limit of a function (top of page 58), definition of limit (bottom of page 58), properties of limits, one-sided limits,
  Sept. 20 1.8 (pgs. 63-64) limits at infinity, formal definition of continuous
  Sept. 23 2.1-2.2 (pgs. 76, 79, 83-87) average velocity, instantaneous velocity, derivative of a function at a point Formal defn. of derivative
  Sept. 25 2.3 (pgs. 90-92) derivative function
  Sept. 27 Exam 1
  Sept. 30 2.3 (pgs. 92-95) derivatives and increasing or decreasing functions (pg. 92) derivative of a constant, derivative of a linear function, derivative of a power functions
  Oct. 2 2.5 (pgs. 104-108) second derivative, concave up, concave down
  Oct. 4 2.6, 2.4 (pgs. 111-113, 98-101) differentiable
  Oct. 7 2.4, 3.1 - 3.2 (pgs. 132-134) recap derivative rules (not a word for your wordlist just recap what we've learned so far), derivative of exponential function
  Oct. 9 3.3, 3.4 (pgs. 136-139, 143-146 ) product and quotient rule, chain rule, review composition of functions (not a word, just review it)
  Oct. 11 3.5 (pgs. 149-153) derivatives of trig functions
  Oct. 16 3.6 (pgs. 156-159) derivative of ln x, derivative of exponentials, derivative of inverse trig functions
  Oct. 18 3.9 (pgs. 169-172) local linearization and error in the approximation
  Oct. 21 4.1 (pgs. 186-188) local maximum, local minimum, critical point, critical value, first derivative test
  Oct. 23 Exam 2
  Oct. 25 no class LEAP Symposium

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments are due on Gradescope by 1:30 PM on the date listed below.

Show your work on the homework. Answers with no work will receive zero points.

HW Due date Problems
# 1 Sept. 6 Homework 1
#2 Sept. 10 Homework 2
#3 Sept. 13 Homework 3
#4 Sept. 17 Homework 4
#5 Sept. 20 Homework 5
#6 Sept. 24 Homework 6
#7 Oct. 1 Homework 7
#8 Oct. 4 Homework 8
#9 Oct. 8 Homework 9
#10 Oct. 11 Homework 10
#11 Oct. 18 Homework 11
#12 Oct. 22 Homework 12

Quiz Topics

Quizzes will be posted on Gradescope at 10AM on the day listed under "Posting Date". They are due by 10 PM on the day listed under "Due Date" (36 hours after they are posted). You will have 30 minutes from the time you first access the quiz to complete it.

Quiz Posting Date Due Date Section(s)
# 1 Sept. 10 at 10 AM Sept. 11 at 10 PM review problems and 1.1
# 2 Sept. 17 at 10 AM Sept. 18 at 10 PM 1.2-1.6
# 3 Sep. 24 Sep. 25 1.7, 1.8
# 4 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 2.1, 2.2
# 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1