Math 320 Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers

Spring 2010
2:30-3:20 PM MWF 129 Cardwell Hall

Course Information ----- Syllabus ---- Homework ----- Exam Information

Course Information

Instructor: Dr. Paulhus
Office Hours: 3:30-4:30 M and F and 1:30-2:15 W
Office: 125 Cardwell Hall
e-mail: paulhus [at] math [dot] ksu [dot] edu
web site:
Text: Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, A Contemporary Approach, 7th Edition, Gary L. Musser, William F. Burger and Blake E. Peterson

  • Homework: Homework will be assigned once a week and will count as 20% of your final grade. The assignments will be posted below. Follow all instructions carefully. The lowest homework score will be dropped.
  • Online Quizzes: There will be seven online quizzes worth 10% of your grade. You may repeat these as often as you like until the due date. The quizzes may be found here:
  • Attendance is mandatory and will count for 6% of your grade.
  • In-Class Exams: There will be three exams during the semester on Wednesday February 17, Wednesday March 24, and Wednesday April 28. They will count as 39% of your final grade (13% each).
  • Final: The final is Monday, May 10 from 4:10 PM - 6:00 PM . Do not make plans to go home before this. It will be 25% of your grade for the class.

  • Some notes:
  • No makeup exams will be given nor late homework accepted unless agreed to beforehand.
  • Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited during class.
  • I encourage you to work together to solve homework problems but everyone must write their own solutions. Copied homework assignments will be given a zero.
  • Any student with a disability who needs an accommodation or other assistance in this course should make an appointment to speak with me as soon as possible.
  • At the bottom of this page* you can find information about the honor code. As stated before, working together on homework is encouraged but the honor pledge does apply to all exams.

  • Unsolicited Advice:
  • Don't Panic!
  • Think of math a bit like learning how to bowl. You can have someone explain to you how to throw the ball and how to put spin on it to make it hit the pins but chances are the first time you throw the bowling ball, you will throw a gutter ball. How do you improve at bowling? You practice. Same thing is true in math. The best way to learn math is to practice, practice, practice.
  • Work together when you can.
  • If you are struggling, come to see me early. If you wait until a week before the final, there isn't much I can do to help you.

  • Syllabus

    Ch. 1:  Introduction to Problem Solving: strategy and approach
     (1)  Inductive and deductive reasoning.
     (2)  Pattern recognition. 
     (3)  Giving clear explanations.
     (4)  Problem solving strategies.

    Ch. 2:  Sets, Whole Numbers, and Numeration  (1)  Hindu-Arabic number system. 
     (2)  Set operations, Venn diagrams and their applications. 
     (3)  Number systems in other cultures.
     (4)  Binary number systems and number systems in other bases.
     (5)  Relations and functions in daily life.

    Ch. 3:  Whole Numbers: Operations and Properties  (1)  Closure, Commutative, Associative, Distributive and Identity properties.
     (2)  Division Algorithm.
     (3)  Laws of Exponents.

    Ch. 4:  Whole Number Computation: Mental, Electronic and Written  (1)  Review briefly the standard algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 
     (2)  Explore other algorithms and understand why they work. 
     (3)  Arithmetic in other bases.
     (4)  Estimation and approximation.

    Ch. 5:  Number Theory  (1)  Factors and multiples, divisibility, primes 
     (2)  Primality testing.
     (3)  Factor trees and prime factorizations.
     (4)  Counting factors, GCDs and LCMs.

    Ch. 6:  Fractions  (1)  Develop models for fractions and their arithmetic.
     (2)  Drill on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of  fractions.

    Ch. 7:   Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, and Percent  (1)  Representing numbers as decimals.
     (2)  Converting decimals to fractions and vice versa. 
     (3)  Ordering decimals and fractions.
     (4)  Decimal arithmetic.
     (5)  Ratio and proportion.
     (6)  Percentage and interest rates. 

    Ch 12:   Geometric Shapes  (1)  Vocabulary: square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, trapezoid, congruent, isosceles, etc.
     (2)  Paper folding.
     (3)  Symmetry
     (4)  Angle  measurement.
     (5)  3-dim shapes

    Ch 13:   Measurements
     (1)  Metric system and English system.
     (2)  Converting between different units.
     (3)  Areas, Volumes and Perimeters.
     (4)  The meaning of pi.

    Ch. 8:   Integers  (1) Models for negative numbers.
     (2) Review properties of integers and operations on integers.
     (3) Negative exponents.

    Ch. 9:   Rational Numbers and Real Numbers, with introduction to algebra   (1) Summarize number systems and basic properties
     (2)  Roots and and irrational numbers.
     (3)  Understand infinite decimals


    Homework is due at 5 PM on the due date. Homework is turned into the appropriately marked box near the entrance of Cardwell Hall. Make sure your name, Math 320, and my name are on your homework and please staple your homework.

    HW  Due date Topic
    Turn in Problems  Additional Problems  (answers in book)
    # 1
    Jan. 22
    Set theory
    2.1 A:2,6,8,9,10,11,13,14; B:7,11,12deg,17abe, 32    
    A:10,15,16,29; B:16a
    # 2 Jan. 29
    Number systems
    2.2 A:11def; B:1,8,9,12bc,14,15a,17;    1.1 B:3 A:7,8

    Hindu-Arabic #
    2.3 A:1ef,2ce,16b,19; B:5,9ab,13,14
    # 3
    Feb. 5
    2.4 B:6,8ce,9,11,13c,15,16;

    Whole Numbers
    3.1 A:3,4,7;  B:2,3,4,14,15;    1.2 A:10 A:2,4
    # 4
    Feb. 12
    3.2 A:5,6; B:5,6,7,10,12,13;    1.1 B:9

    3.3 A:11; B:5,6ab,7,8,15
    # 5
    Feb. 19
    4.1 B:1,5,7,8,9,15b,17,30,38;    1.1 B:12

    4.2 B:4,9,14c,15b,21a,25,33
    Quiz 1   
    Feb. 22

    # 6
    Feb. 26
    Number Theory
    5.1 B:2d,3de,4eg,5bc,8,9,22,28,29; 1.1 B:14
    # 7
    Mar. 5
    5.2 B:1b,4ac,6c,7bc, 9ab,10,12,14; 1.2 B:9

    6.1 B: 1,3ac,8bc,9,10b,12bc,13,14,20,24 A:1-15, B:1-7
    Quiz 2
    Mar. 8
    Number Theory

    # 8
    Mar. 12
    Add/Sub Fractions
    6.2 A:3dh,B:3c,5a,6,7,10,15,16,18; 1.1 B:15
    A:1-11, 15-19

    Mult/Div Fractions
    6.3 B:1b,2,3b,4,7c,8ik,10,14,15,21,24
    Quiz 3
    Mar. 22

    # 9
    Mar. 26
    7.1 B:1a,2c,3c,4ac,6ab,11bc,12,14f,16,17
    Quiz 4
    Mar. 29

    # 10 Apr. 2
    Mult/Div Decimals 7.2  B:1,2,4,6,10,12be,13; 1.2 A:6g

    Ratio, Proportion
    7.3  B:4,5,7d,8bd,11b,13,15,16,19,20ac A:1,2,3,4,7d,8ac
    # 11
    Apr. 9
    7.4 B:3,5c,6ah,11,12,15,18,25

    Geom. Shapes 12.1 A:5,16bc, B:8,9,11,13 A:5,10,11
    Quiz 5
    Apr. 12
    Ratios and Proportion

    # 12
    Apr. 16
    Analyzing Shapes
    12.2 A:2,8, B:2,4,8

    Lines and Angles 12.3 B:4,7,9,13,14

    Polygons 12.4 B:2,3c,6b,7,13 A:2,3,5
    Quiz 6
    Apr. 19

    # 13
    Apr. 23
    13.1 B:2cfh,3bc,6bdfh,7b,8e,11,15a,16a,17,18a

    Length and Area
    13.2  B:3b,4d,9,12d,16b,17d,21,27,30
    Quiz 7
    Apr. 26

    # 14
    Apr. 30
    8.1  B:5,6,7,8,12,15,24

    8.2  B:7,8bf,12c,15bd,16b,17b,32
    # 15
    Not due
    Rational Numbers
    9.1  A:1,4bd,5d,8cd,9d,11a,15,16abc

    Real Numbers
    9.2  A:1-4,9,10,11


    Practice Exams and Review

    Old Exams and Reviews are no longer available.


    *Kansas State University has an Honor System based on personal integrity, which is presumed to be sufficient assurance in academic matters one's work is performed honestly and without unauthorized assistance. Undergraduate and graduate students, by registration, acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Honor System. The policies and procedures of the Honor System apply to all full and part-time students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate courses on-campus, off-campus, and via distance learning. The honor system website can be reach via the following URL:

    A component vital to the Honor System is the inclusion of the Honor Pledge which applies to all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by students. The Honor Pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: "On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work." A grade of XF can result from a breach of academic honesty. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation.

    Last Updated: May 7, 2010