B# means Bolker section #. Otherwise, sections are in Alaca and Williams

Class Date Section(s) Words
Jan. 23 Introduction
Jan. 25 1.1 integral domain, divisor, unit, associates in an integral domain
Jan. 27 1.2-1.3 irreducibles and primes in an integral domain, ideal, introduction to Magma
Jan. 30 1.4-1.5 principal and proper ideal, principal ideal domain, maximal and prime ideals,
Feb. 1 1.6, 2.1 sum and product of ideals, Euclidean function, euclidean domain, φ(n)
Feb. 3 2.2 φ_m
Feb. 6 B14, B23, B25, B26 Legendre symbol, binary quadratic form
Feb. 8 1.4
Feb. 10 1.4, 2.5
Feb. 13 3.1 ascending chain of ideals, terminating ascending chain, ascending chain condition, Noetherian domain, maximal condition
Feb. 15 3.2, 3.3 factorization domain, unique factorization domain
Feb. 17 3.4 R-action, R-module, submodule, finitely generated module, factor (quotient) module, module homomorphism
Feb. 20 3.5 Noetherian module
Feb. 22 5.1 algebraic number (4.1), minimal polynomial of an algebraic number over a field, degree of an algebraic number over a field
Feb. 24 5.2, 5.5 conjugates of an algebraic number over a field, simple extension, degree of an extension, cyclotomic field (5.5)
Feb. 27 4.1 element integal over a domain, domain integral over a subdomain
Mar. 1 4.1, 4.2 integral closure
Mar. 3 5.3, 5.4, 5.6
Mar. 6 5.6, B42-B44 primitive pythaogrean triples
Mar. 8 B42-B43
Mar. 10 B.44, 6.1 algebraic number field, ring of integers of an algebraic number field
Mar. 13 6.2 monomorphism, conjugate fields of an algebraic number
Mar. 15   symmetric polynomials, elementary symmetric polynomials
Mar. 17 6.3 complete set of conjugates of α relative to K, field polynomial of α over K
Apr. 3 6.4 discriminant of n elements in an algebraic number field, D(α), properties of the determinant, discriminant of a polynomial
Apr. 5 6.5 basis of an ideal, integral basis of an algebraic number field, discriminant of an algebraic number field d(K)
Apr. 7 7.1, 6.6, 8.1 Dedekind domain
Apr. 10 8.2-8.3 integral and fractional ideals, divisibilty of integral ideals
Apr. 12 8.3 unique factorization of ideals
Apr. 14 B8, 8.4 Chinese Remainder Theorem
Apr. 17 8.4,10.1 prime lying above p, prime lying below P
Apr. 19 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 norm of an ideal, norm of an element, trace of an element
Apr. 21 10.1 inertial degree
Apr. 24 10.1, 10.2
Apr. 26 10.2, 10.6, 11.2 Kronecker symbol
Apr. 28 11.2, B31 Pell Equation
May 1 11.5, 7.5, Jarvis 9.1-9.2 cyclotomic fields
May 3 12.1, ideal class group, class number
May 5  Jarvis 7.1  lattice, fundamental region, complete, centrally symmetric, convex
May 8  Jarvis 7.2  real and complex embeddings
May 10  Jarvis 7.3  
May 12    some ideas towards proof of Fermat's Last Theorem